Working to Eliminate Plastic Straws Across DC Area
Join the coalition, Our Last Straw.
Farmers Restaurant Group is leading efforts across the DMV to eliminate single-use plastic straws in the hospitality industry.
The campaign known as Our Last Straw, is building a coalition of restaurants, bars, cafes, and hotels all working on a shared mission to eliminate plastic drinking straws due to their impact on our environment and our health.
In the U.S., we use 500 million straws a day. Many of those straws are provided in restaurants and bars. “It is up to all of us in the hospitality industry to do our part to eliminate them. There are major movements happening across the globe to eliminate plastic straws and other single-use plastics. As restaurateurs, we need join together and lead a charge for change in our country’s capital. We can make a difference, one straw at a time, and hopefully moving on to To Go containers, ingredient packaging, and beyond.”
Our Last Straw is seeking partners to: replace plastic straws with biodegradable paper straws or no straw at all, work with local government leaders to ban plastic straws in the region, and help educate guests and the public about the hazards of plastic straws and single-use plastics.
Information about Our Last Straw and joining the coalition is available on the website, as well as a way for individuals to make a personal pledge to #StopSucking and say no to the straw next time a drink is ordered.
Our Last Straw can also be followed on Facebook and Twitter. The campaign will have an information table at The Rammys 2018 gala and awards ceremony on June 10th.
Farmers Restaurant Group leadership within the Our Last Straw coalition is just one of many sustainably-minded efforts across our restaurants, Founding Farmers, Farmers & Distillers, and Farmers Fishers Bakers. We have already made the switch from compostable to paper straws. For us, everything matters, nothing is too small – not even a single plastic straw – when it comes to protecting the planet and everyone on it.